
What is difference between VHF and UHF?

The most common two-way radio systems operate in the VHF and UHF parts of the radio spectrum. Because this part of the spectrum is […]

Approaching Train Warning System for Track Maintainers in Indian Railway Station

In India, the most economical and convenient transportation is the train.India’s trains are extremely developed and it is one of the most important transportation. […]
Company activity --Mid-Autumn Festival Activity

Company activity –Mid-Autumn Festival Activity

The Mid-Autumn festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals. It is a time for reunion. The representative food of the Mid-Autumn festival is […]
Staff Birthday

Staff Birthday

Birthday are a time of year for people to celebrate and it is very important. Chierda takes birthday very seriously and plans surprises for […]
Company tour activity - tourism

Company tour activity – tourism

On August 17, 2019, the warm summer is right for Chierda to organize employee Tours. This trip went to the picturesque coastal city– Xiamen, […]
Company Activity-the Dragon Boat Festival

Company Activity-the Dragon Boat Festival

As we known, the Dragon Boat Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals.On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, people usually hold […]
Walkie-Talkie Headset Classification

Walkie-talkie headset classification

The earphones play a great role in the use of the walkie-talkie machine, which not only liberates the hands of the caller, but also […]
Interphone battery activation specific method introduction

Interphone battery activation specific method introduction

Nowadays, the range of application of walkie-talkies is more and more extensive. The battery of walkie-talkie is generally used. When it is used for […]
Don't worry about the walkie-talkie getting wet! What does the Zerda walkie-talkie teach you?

Don’t worry about the walkie-talkie getting wet! What does the Zerda walkie-talkie teach you?

Don’t worry about the walkie-talkie getting wet! What does the Zerda walkie-talkie teach you? The rain in March is pattering and draining. It is […]