

Are walkie talkies good for cruises?

The tourist season is here,many people choose to go to the beach or have a cruises party. In order to keeping in touch with […]

How Does A Walkie Talkie Work

A two-way radio is a device that can both receive and transmit voice messages. In broader terms, it can be said that most wireless […]

Three Tips for Extending Two Way Radio Range

Two Way radios provide an amazingly resilient and flexible communications tool for many businesses and organizations, but range issues can limit their utility. Two […]

Two-Way Radio Guide – Tips & Etiquette

Talking over a two-way radio is not the same as talking on a landline or mobile phone. For one thing, most two-way radios operate […]

The Importance of Communication and Benefits of 2 way radios in Construction Safety

In all workplaces safety is of paramount concern to both the employer and employees. A construction site can be a very dangerous place to […]

Commonly used Two-Way Radio Language

Radio Check – Check on signal strength. Can you hear me now? Read you loud and clear – Responding to “Radio Check.” Transmission Signal […]

Why You Should Carry Walkie Talkies

A walkie talkie (more formally known as a handheld transceiver, or HT) is a hand-held, portable, two-way radio transceiver. Its development during the Second […]

Benefits of Two Way Radios for the Elderly

Some of the benefits of two way radios are: These radios are very sturdy and continue to work even if they are dropped, submitted […]

What is difference between VHF and UHF?

The most common two-way radio systems operate in the VHF and UHF parts of the radio spectrum. Because this part of the spectrum is […]